Always Be True Page 13
Her spiky-heeled boots only added to the sexy sway of her hips as she walked. God, he hoped his tongue wasn’t hanging out, especially because she paused halfway down the hall to glance back to make sure he was following. Her dimples made a brief appearance before she continued on her way, which left little doubt that she knew exactly the effect she was having on him.
By the time he walked into the kitchen, she was straining to reach a vase in one of the cupboards. At five foot nothing, anything beyond the first shelf was a definite stretch for her. Using the tips of her fingers, she’d managed to tug the heavy vase to almost within her reach, but at the moment it was teetering precariously on the edge of the shelf. Tino gave it even odds whether it would fall into her grasp or tumble past her waiting hands to shatter on the floor. To avert the potential danger, he hurried to the rescue.
“Here, let me get that.”
He reached over her head to lift the vase down to the counter. As he did so, he tried not to think about the soft press of her body against his or the sexy scent of her perfume. A gentleman would back away as soon as the near disaster had been avoided. Evidently he didn’t fit that description.
Instead of retreating to the safety of the other side of the room, he gave Natalie just enough room to turn around but kept her trapped between him and the counter. She didn’t seem to be in any hurry to escape, either. Her hands settled on his waist as the corners of her mouth tipped up in a hint of a soft smile.
“If you plan to make a habit of rescuing me, I’m going to have to find a way to reward you. Any suggestions?”
“All kinds of them.” He stared down at her and let her glimpse the real hunger he was feeling even if it wasn’t for her soup, no matter how delicious it smelled. “However, it would be a shame to let all the hard work you put into fixing dinner go to waste.”
She trailed one hand upward to settle over the center of his chest, her smile widening when his pulse picked up speed under the warmth of her palm. “So true, but the good news is that dinner is ready. We’re having soup, salad, and sourdough bread.”
“That sounds great.” He let her slip away. “Although I notice you didn’t mention any dessert.”
Her tongue darted out to quickly lick the corner of her mouth. “Don’t worry, Gianelli. I’ll come up with something I’m sure you’ll find…most satisfying.”
The image of her welcoming him into her bed, into her body, flashed through his mind. He couldn’t help it. He groaned. And brat that she was, Natalie laughed.
“Maybe I should get dinner on the table.”
He couldn’t have agreed more. “Is there something I can do to help?”
Anything that would distract him from wondering how sturdy that pedestal table actually was. Right now, he very much wanted to toss his hostess down on top of it and conduct a few hands-on tests to find out. Unfortunately, she derailed that train of thought.
“Why don’t you open the wine while I serve the soup and salad? I thought we’d eat in here instead of the dining room. It’s cozier.”
Really? As Natalie put the finishing touches on dinner, he studied the room. The table and chairs were obviously high-end antiques, but he preferred furniture with clean lines rather than covered in so many curlicues. The matching hutch was crammed full of china in a pink floral pattern, the kind made for a woman’s delicate hand, not a soldier’s callused fist. The rows of hand-painted plates decorating the walls didn’t help matters.
The bottom line was that it didn’t feel at all cozy to him, although it probably wasn’t fair to compare it to the kitchen at his mother’s house. That room had been the center of action for the Lukash clan. He and his brothers had done their homework at the table while Joe had worked on his crossword puzzle and Marlene had baked an endless supply of cookies for the men in her life. She did have good china, but she’d wisely kept it safely tucked away out of the reach of the rambunctious boys she’d taken into her home and her heart.
This room, with its decidedly feminine décor, wouldn’t have survived long around Tino and his two brothers back in the day. As far as he was concerned, the only warm and welcoming feature of this kitchen was Natalie herself.
After pouring the wine, Tino carried the cut-crystal glasses over to where Natalie stood in front of the stove. She dipped a teaspoon into the broth and held it out for him to taste. “Think it needs more salt?”
He wrapped his hand around the delicate bones in her wrist to steady her hand as he gently blew on the hot liquid before tasting it. As he sipped the rich broth, he kept his gaze pinned on hers, enjoying the small intimacy. Her eyes stared into his as her breath hitched just a bit.
The single word hung in the air between them. Was she wondering if he meant her or the soup? In truth, he wasn’t sure himself. Finally, he released his hold on her and stepped back. The small distance gave both of them room to breathe.
She blinked hard before turning her attention back to their dinner. “Would you mind setting the salads and bread on the table while I dish up the soup?”
He did as she asked while she served up the rich soup. Everything looked and smelled delicious even if it seemed odd to eat such rustic fare with linen napkins, bone china, and sterling silver flatware. Maybe that’s how Natalie’s family always set the table, not that he was going to ask.
When they were seated, he made an effort to start a conversation. “Did you visit your grandfather this week?”
“Yes, I did. He seemed to be feeling a little more energetic this time, but that might be because his ongoing war with the beagle next door has escalated again.”
Tino looked up from buttering a thick slice of the bread. Did people actually do battle with beagles? Judging from Natalie’s grin, the fight was more entertaining than dangerous.
“Okay, I’ll bite. Exactly what does canine combat look like?”
She laughed. “Well, recently an innocent bystander came close to being a casualty. Digger—that’s the beagle he’s been feuding with—dug up one of Grandpa’s prize rosebushes. Luckily, the gardener was able to salvage the poor plant.”
“How did your grandfather retaliate?”
“He ordered a complete blockade of the fence line between the two yards. He thought a row of decorative rocks along the bottom edge of the fence would prevent the dog from digging his way under again.” She paused to sip her wine. “Evidently Grandpa badly underestimated Digger’s determination to frolic in what he clearly sees as an extension of his own yard. The day after the rocks were put in place, he found Digger sleeping in the sun on the wicker loveseat out on the patio.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad.”
“Ordinarily it wouldn’t have been.” Natalie grinned. “But that rosebush I mentioned? The little rascal dug it up again and then dragged it up on the loveseat like some kind of prize he’d captured.”
Tino tried to imagine how his mother would react if some neighbor’s dog insisted on tearing up her yard. He wasn’t sure what she’d do, but it wouldn’t be pretty.
“What does the dog’s owner say about what he’s been doing?”
“I doubt my grandfather has ever told them. Grandpa considers Digger a worthy opponent and would never risk doing something that would cause the little beast any problems.”
“I think I’d like your grandfather.”
His comment clearly pleased her. “I’m guessing the two of you would really hit it off. Maybe one of these Tuesday mornings you could come with me to visit him. He doesn’t get much company, and I’m sure he’d appreciate seeing someone besides me.”
“If I’m not helping my brother on the job, I’d like that.”
After that, the topic of conversation drifted from one topic to another. Tino had seconds on the soup. Afterward, she made coffee and served it with a plate of brownies. They took their cups and the goodies down the hall to the living room. Just like the kitchen, most the furniture looked as if it had been in place for eighty years or more. A
fraid neither of the chairs would support his weight, he settled in the corner of the sofa, the only piece of furniture in the room that looked as if it had actually been bought for comfort.
Even better, Natalie sat down next to him, close enough that he could feel the warmth of her leg against his. He was about to sip his coffee when he noticed the tight grip Natalie had on her own cup.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, not really. Well, maybe.” She bit her lower lip and finally gave him a worried look. “It turns out that I have a favor to ask of you.”
He set his coffee aside and angled himself to look more directly at her. “And that’s a problem?”
“It’s just that I’m afraid you’ll say yes when you really want to say no. I promise it’s okay if you do. It’s short notice, and you might not want to go, anyway. I wouldn’t want that.”
He did his best to wade through the jumble of words she’d just spouted. “You don’t want me to say yes or you don’t want me to feel like I have to say yes?”
She nodded without specifying which answer was right. Not very helpful. It was time to take control of the conversation.
“Let me start by saying that my brothers will testify that it’s nearly impossible to get me to do something I don’t want to do. With that in mind, why don’t you ask me whatever it is that has you so wound up? I promise I’ll give you an honest answer.”
“All right, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She drew a deep breath and unleashed another barrage of words. “My dad called tonight. He and Mom were supposed to invite me to a black-tie charity event this coming Saturday night, but they dropped the ball and forgot. They want me to be there because the community orchestra the dinner is being held for just lost a major part of their funding. My folks are hoping the foundation can fill in some of the gap in the group’s budget.”
Natalie seemed to have run out of steam before actually getting around to asking the favor she needed. That was all right. He could read between the lines.
“You need a date for the dinner, and you’re afraid you’d be imposing if you were to ask me to take you.”
She nodded. “That’s it in a nutshell. As I said, it’s short notice, especially considering it’s a black-tie dinner with dancing.”
Before he could respond, she added, “And then there’s the fact that I’ll likely be the only person there that you’d actually know.”
In short, an evening spent in hell. It didn’t take much imagination to picture a room full of people who wore their wealth like a second skin. They might enjoy donating money to good causes, but would they enjoy spending time with the people their money helped? He bet a few would look down his own background and that of his brothers as well, especially the time they each spent bouncing from one foster home to another until the Lukashes had taken them in permanently.
He shoved the memories of those ugly days to the back of his mind. Either he did this for her or it was time to cut bait and go home. One look at Natalie’s worried eyes, and his decision was made. She already meant too much to him to walk away without at least giving himself a chance to handle her world.
“I’ll be glad to go with you, but I’m guessing there’s more to it than you being concerned about me having to come up with a tuxedo to wear.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her a little closer. “Are you worried about me meeting your parents?”
“No, not at all.” She shook her head and sighed. “Okay, maybe a little.”
She was worrying at that luscious lower lip again. “Come on, Nat, tell me what’s really wrong.”
“My ex-fiancé and his family will also be there. My parents actually suggested that I ask him to escort me to the dinner. Did I mention that his folks and mine are good friends? Or that none of them understand why I broke up with Benton? By their standards, it should’ve been a perfect match even though it wasn’t.”
Just when he’d thought he’d gotten a handle on the situation, she confused him again. God knows, this Benton guy was probably better suited for a woman of Natalie’s education and background.
“Would you be happier if he did take you? I wouldn’t like it, but I’d understand.”
All right, that was a lie. Even if her ex was a better fit for her parents’ social circle, the last thing Tino wanted to do was encourage her to spend time with a man she’d once considered marrying. That her parents were still trying to shove her back at the guy didn’t help Tino’s mood in the least.
“No, I absolutely would not be happier going with Benton. I will go by myself if you would rather not get dragged into this. I certainly wouldn’t blame you if you don’t.”
Her words and another gulp of coffee washed away the large lump that had taken up residence in his throat. “Then it’s agreed. I’ll be happy to take you to the dinner.”
“Are you sure?”
Clearly, she remained unconvinced, which meant she was picking up on his own misgivings. Doing his best to convey a confidence he didn’t really feel, he tried to reassure her. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve attended formal dinners before even if I wore a dress uniform instead of a tux. And contrary to what my idiot brothers would tell you, I’ve even been known to carry on intelligent conversations with total strangers.”
He paused to tip her face up to look at him more directly before adding, “And finally, I love to dance. Holding you in my arms out on the dance floor will be reward enough for me going. Got that?”
Then he sealed the deal with a kiss, one meant to rock her world and ended up rocking his as well. He gave in to the temptation to tangle his fingers in her soft-as-silk hair, the better to hold her captive while his lips plundered hers. But he was quickly reminded that this woman was no one’s pushover. She broke free of his embrace long enough to climb onto his lap, straddling his thighs. He slid forward on the couch cushion and tugged her closer, bringing himself down to her eye level to make sure she saw that he meant every word he’d said.
The fact that the position centered her core right on top of his raging erection was only a side benefit.
Before picking up where they’d left off, she rewarded him with one of her dimpled smiles. “Yes, sir, message received. Dinner, conversation, and best of all, dancing.”
Her eyes darkened as she cupped his face with her hands. “Now, I think we’re about ready for the dessert I mentioned.”
She rocked forward and back, punctuating her words. In response, he cupped her ass with his hands as he lifted his own hips to maintain that connection. With his blood running hot in his veins, he whispered, “Tell me we aren’t talking about the brownies.”
The heat in her smile kicked it up a notch. “Those are for…after,” she said as she peeled off her sweater and sent it flying.
This time they both knew he was talking about her. He desperately needed to get skin to skin with this woman. When his shirt joined hers on the floor across the room, Natalie purred and leaned in close enough that the tips of her breasts brushed across his chest. Even through the lace of her bra he could feel the way her nipples had beaded up, ready for his touch. Or, better yet, his mouth.
He splayed his fingers along the fine bones of her rib cage and lifted her close enough that he could nuzzle that seductive valley between her surprisingly full breasts. With a flick of his tongue, he savored the flavor of her skin and the sound she made when something he did pleased her. Natalie moaned as he suckled first one breast and then the other, using his tongue and teeth to drive them both crazy.
Within seconds, even the thin layer of lace between them was too much. He supported her with one arm as he used his other hand to release the clasp on her bra. She was right there with him, sliding the straps off her shoulders to reveal the peaches-and-cream beauty beneath.
“God, Natalie.” He palmed both breasts and dragged his gaze up to meet hers. “So damn beautiful, like the rest of you.”
His comment clearly pleas
ed her. “You sweet-talker. There’s only one problem—you’re talking, not doing.”
He laughed. “I guess I just got my marching orders.”
Without warning he surged to his feet, holding her high against his chest. The only question was whether they should head upstairs to her bedroom or take advantage of the plush rug on the floor in front of the fireplace. In the end, there was no contest. Why waste the energy it would take to muscle them both up all those steps when it could be put to a much better use right where they were?
He settled Natalie on the rug. “I’ll be right back.”
Without waiting for her to respond, he returned to the foyer where he’d hung his jacket. He pulled a handful of packets out of the inside pocket and headed right back to where a warm and willing woman waited for him.
When he returned to the living room, it was to discover Natalie had been busy during his short absence. The lamps at either end of the sofa had been turned off. In their place, the gas fireplace was alight, bathing both his woman and the room in a soft glow. The flickering shadows from its flames danced across Natalie’s skin as she waited for his return.
She’d also grabbed several of the toss pillows off the couch. Right now, she was lying on her stomach, her arms crossed on top of two of the cushions and her hair a golden waterfall tumbling down around her shoulders. The sight brought him to a screeching halt. Even in his hottest dreams, he’d never imagined such simple beauty. Her back was elegant, and those skinny jeans definitely showed off her backside to its best advantage. She’d also kicked off her boots, revealing her pretty feet. Damn.
“I saved you a spot.” She patted the pillow next to hers. “Why are you staying all the way over there?”
“I’m admiring the view and thinking about what all I’m going to do with you…to you when I finally get there.”
Her eyes lit with interest as her dimples made another appearance. He noticed she had another set right above the top of her jeans. And if he wasn’t mistaken, the very top edge of a tattoo was peeking out right between them.